Tia Anna Paynich : Unconditional love on loan
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Biografije in spomini / Ljubezenski romani
Unconditional love on loan Tia Anna PaynichStory based on personal experiences
V začetku leta 2019 skupaj z Jožefom Srako, Marjanom Krnjićem in Nadjo Kananović v Londonu postavi skulpturo Energy, ki ji služi tudi kot inspiracija za knjigo "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ON LOAN" , ki je izšla v angleškem jeziku dosegljiva kot best seller na Amazonu sedaj tudi na Biblosu.
Lastnost | Vrednost |
Založba | Tino Mamić |
Prevod | Emanuela D.B. |
Spremna beseda | Darja Furek |
Leto izdaje | 2021 |
Strani | 106 |
Jezik | angleški |
Tip datoteke | epub |
ISBN | 9780244180973 |
Izvodov na voljo:
- Prost
- Prost
- Prost
Še 3 dni 35 min in 6 sekund
Dolg opis
Anabella, in the role of a protagonist, is seeking a spiritual journey and learning through relationships with men, while facing major challenges in her life. She suffered two autoimmune diseases and was confronted with an extraordinary experience when, upon returning to her body, she received an extraordinary gift. This gift greatly helped her through dark times, to recognize herself, to learn through spiritual techniques, to help herself fully heal - and to observe her process of transformation and upgrading through the eyes of others. She wanted a fulfilled relationship, but first she had to feel this fulfillment within herself, with herself. The book tells of true life experiences, and offers scientific and meditational techniques that work for most souls, to get into their core, their existence. So we can all rise above and become more joyful, relaxed and fulfilled. Each has their own way, each has a unique path, yet everything we need is already inside us.
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