Monika Kropej Telban, Roberto Dapit, Zmago Šmitek : A Treasury of Slovenian Folklore
Podrobnosti knjige
101 Selected Folk Tales
Best slovenian folk tales.
Lastnost | Vrednost |
Založba | Didakta |
Leto izdaje | 2021 |
Strani | 192 |
Jezik | angleški |
Tip datoteke | epub |
ISBN | 9789612615932 |
Izvodov na voljo:
- Prost
- Prost
- Prost
Še 3 dni 35 min in 6 sekund
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The featured folk tales encompass stories about natural landmarks, churches and castles, hagiographic legends on the lives of saints and their miraculous deeds, animal fables and stories on plants, their origin, forms, healing power and magical properties, stories on traditional festivities and markers of the annual cycle, as well as those on both real and imaginary landscape features, such as mountains, lakes, naturally occurring bridges and the Nowhere Land. All of the folk tales are faithful to their original version that was transmitted orally in dialect, but are presented, for reasons of clarity, in the standard language.
Povezane knjige

Druge knjige avtorja: Monika Kropej Telban

Druge knjige avtorja: Roberto Dapit

Druge knjige avtorja: Zmago Šmitek